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    《4 ONLY》 結果共15筆

  • Taiwan launches coveted dragon zodiac coins amid frenzy

    Limited edition dragon year zodiac commemorative coins are being sold by Taiwan’s Central Bank, with 45,000 sets available at the Bank of Taiwan’s counters. Queues formed as early as 4 a.m. despite the cold weather, and each buyer can purchase only two sets per turn. Online pre-orders sold out within 3 hours, and the resale price has surged to NT$3,000 from the original price of NT$1,900.
    2024/01/22 12:15
  • Government’s selective pay raise draws criticism from union

    The Taiwan Higher Education Union (THEU) has criticized the government for playing a false game with wage increases. While civil servants, including military and education personnel, are set to receive a 4 percent pay increase next year, over 21,000 technical and administrative staff at universities, about 70 percent, remain unsure of their raises. This uncertain group includes employees at private universities. The THEU believes that the government should not leave salaries of non-certified staff to the discretion of universities, as it causes division and lowers morale. Only around 9,000 public employees out of the approximately 31,000 full-time staff members at universities and colleges are certain about their pay rise next year. The THEU is concerned that the hardships of grassroots workers in tertiary education institutions are being overlooked amidst the upcoming presidential elections. They urge that national wage increases should apply to all university staff, with appropriate subsidies provided.
    2023/12/26 21:56
  • TPP’s Ko calls for change in leadership

    Taipei mayoral candidate Ko Wen-je criticizes the lack of long-term vision and planning in economic policy by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and Kuomintang (KMT). Despite a 120% increase in Taiwan’s GDP since 2000, real wages have only increased by 4% and the country ranks sixth in total working hours globally. Ko believes that low wages and poor living conditions are not the fault of Taiwanese people but rather the result of the government’s lack of global strategic planning. He questions what keyword might define 2024 if the DPP and KMT continue to be in power, and asserts that a change in leadership is needed. Ko suggests that he should be elected president in 2024 to address these ongoing issues, emphasizing the absence of comprehensive strategic planning as the underlying reason behind the problems.
    2023/12/26 18:18
  • Taiwanese 2023 credit card spending to exceed NT$4T

    Taiwan’s total credit card spending for 2023 is projected to exceed NT$4 trillion, with consumers under 30 having an average annual credit card transaction amount of NT$1.11 million, according to the National Credit Card Center (NCCC). Individuals aged 40 to 60, who make up over 57% of top-level consumers, are crucial customers for card-issuing institutions. These elite spenders have an average half-year spending of NT$810,000, with women mainly using their credit cards for fashion and luxury items, while men prefer motor vehicle products. Consumers under 40 have a high consumption frequency, averaging over 180 transactions per card in the first half of 2023. Taipei and New Taipei have the highest number of cardholders, accounting for 46% of the total, with Hsinchu County and Hsinchu City having the largest share among the 16 counties and cities at over 6%. VISA cards are the most commonly used credit card brand among elite spenders, comprising 51% of the total, while American Express cards make up only 3% but have the highest average consumption of over NT$1.3 million per card in six months.
    2023/12/26 15:51
  • Taiwan detects mycoplasma infection in teen traveler

    The Taiwan Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has reported the first case of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection in a child detected during airport screening. A teenage boy developed a fever upon arriving from mainland China on December 4 and tested positive for the pathogen the following day. This detection has raised concerns amid an outbreak of respiratory illnesses in mainland China. The CDC has initiated targeted surveillance at the country’s four major international airports, urging travelers to undergo voluntary testing. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infections account for only 1.2 percent of the cases identified through airport screenings, indicating a downward trend overall. The current respiratory diseases in mainland China are predominantly attributed to influenza viruses, with Mycoplasma infections declining. Health officials have reassured the public that airport testing protocols will continue and are expected to be maintained through the Lunar New Year period to ensure monitoring of incoming travelers and the containment of potential infectious diseases.
    2023/12/09 15:24
  • Survey: Half of respondents expect salary increase in 2024

    According to a national economic confidence survey by Cathay Financial Holding, approximately half of respondents believe their salaries will increase in 2024, showing a more optimistic outlook compared to last year. About 25% of respondents anticipate a pay hike of more than 3%. This comes after the Ministry of Labor’s decision to raise the minimum wage by just over 4% in 2024. 64% of respondents reported that their income has remained unchanged over the past six months, while 18.1% said it has increased and 17.9% said it has decreased. Looking ahead to next year, 25.2% of respondents expect a salary increase of more than 3%, a significant increase from last year’s survey. The survey also reveals that respondents predict the country’s economic growth rate to stay at 1.6%, with only around 21% believing it will surpass 2% this year. In terms of inflation expectations, the median value remains steady at 2.5%, with 84% of respondents believing this year’s inflation rate will be more than 2%. Overall, the public maintains a conservative outlook on economic expansion, while inflation expectations remain higher.
    2023/11/20 13:50
  • 不敢相信!Ozone出道半年兩場北流都完售 團員說話了

    時下最火紅的男團Ozone,4月15日即將在北流舉辦的首場大型售票個唱Ozone「One And Only」,沒想到30秒就搶光,引來不少粉絲暴動跟憤怒,唱片公司立刻公布4月16日再加開一場演唱會,沒想到今(25)日門票開賣,同時近18000人上線搶票,不到10分鐘就完售,兩場北流完售,相當於是一場小巨蛋,火紅程度驚人。
    2023/02/25 16:52
  • 黃牛開價一張票喊2萬!Ozone緊急宣布加場 售票時間曝

    Ozone人氣超旺,4月15日即將在北流舉辦的首場大型售票個唱Ozone「One And Only」,門票開賣30秒就全數銷售一空!由於同時間湧進近兩萬粉絲上線搶票,導致售票系統一度當機,讓沒有搶到票的粉絲都難掩悲傷及憤怒心情,且網路上黃牛開價竟高達一張票20000元,是原票價的7倍以上,主辦單位及唱片公司積極討論後,馬上決定隔日4月16日再加開一場演唱會,2月25日售票。
    2023/02/22 17:05
  • 【今晚熱搜】Ozone/模範計程車/莒光甜心/松山高中/澎恰恰

    今(18日)晚熱搜關鍵字為「Ozone」。台灣偶像男團Ozone將在4月15日於北流舉辦第一場大型售票個唱Ozone「One And Only」台北演唱會。門票在今日中午12點正式開賣,因為同時有近2萬粉絲上線搶票,門票30秒瞬間秒殺,一度造成售票系統當機,讓團員們都直呼「不可思議」。以下為最受網友歡迎、點閱率最高的5則新聞。
    2023/02/18 21:18
  • Ozone只發一張就唱北流!2萬名粉絲瘋搶 賣票時間創紀錄

    Ozone日前發行首張迷你專輯就宣布,4月15日將於北流舉辦第一場大型售票個唱Ozone「One And Only」台北演唱會。門票在今(18)日中午12點正式開賣,因同時近2萬粉絲上線搶票,門票30秒秒殺,更一度造成售票系統當機,讓團員們都直呼「不可思議」,因為其實在門票開賣之前,六人都難掩緊張情緒。
    2023/02/18 14:31
  • 彭佳慧出手了!調教師弟Ozone當霸總 點名「他」最迷人

    由子翔、哲言、佳辰、煥鈞、祖安、文廷組成人氣男團「Ozone」,將在4月15日在台北流行音樂中心舉辦「One And Only」演唱會,團員們積極備戰,更向金曲歌后、同門師姐彭佳慧討教演唱會經驗與唱歌技巧,唱功躍進的子翔趁機討教高音技巧,「是不是要把屁股夾緊?」彭佳慧笑回:「可能是丹田用力時帶動到身體的其他部分,肚子用力還是比較重要。」
    2023/02/17 13:01
  • 簽唱會粉絲推擠受傷!Ozone心疼說話了 再曝超狂喜訊

    男團Ozone去年底正式發行首張EP《Unicorn》,成績亮眼,日前舉辦首次北中南巡迴簽唱活動,今(5)日在台北舉行簽唱會,大批粉絲聚集,連周圍都是民眾,擠爆西門町。簽唱會現場,他們演唱新歌〈火花〉,同時驚喜公布4月15日將於台北流行音樂中心舉行出道以來第一個專場「One and Only 台北演唱會」,成為在男團戰國時代第一組登上北流舉辦專場演唱會的男團,Ozone也向粉絲熱情喊話:「我們會準備好不同以往的演出,希望所有O.A.O.們都來北流和我們共度這個難忘的時刻!」
    2023/02/05 16:03
  • 這碗粥ONLY蟹! 季節限定4蟹粥 吃鮮甜吃飽足

    2022/10/02 19:24
  • 「雷神4」配樂「槍與玫瑰」神曲 「捍衛戰士2」經典配樂重現

    即將在周三上映的「雷神索爾」續集,最新花絮曝光克里斯漢斯沃13年前的試鏡模樣,這次電影原聲帶,不僅收錄「槍與玫瑰」熱門歌曲,也有恩雅「Only Time」和 阿巴合唱團的經典名曲,另外「捍衛戰士」配樂更吸引樂迷狂刷,尤其Lady Gaga獻唱主題曲,MV點閱破5千萬。
    2022/07/05 18:04
  • 甩臉圓形象!韓星李遐怡大露水蛇腰 揭3招瘦身技巧

    韓國創作歌手李遐怡於2012年以選秀節目《K-Pop Star》第二名的英姿被簽進YG娛樂,在當時更被譽為「怪物新人」,可惜後來都遲遲沒有推出新作。直到今年簽進AOMG後以最新專輯《4 ONLY》強勢回歸,在MV中以低胸短版上衣入鏡,大露纖細手臂和螞蟻腰,一掃過去臉圓、豐潤身材的印象,讓不少網民好奇到底是如何練出這樣好身材的!李遐怡也大方分享自己的瘦身技巧:飲食+運動跟333減肥法!
    2021/10/01 13:14
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